Selborne Brickworks & Tile Company, Hampshire

Selborne Brickworks & Tile Company, Hampshire. The Tower Brick & Tile Company Limited have been making handmade Selborne bricks and roof tiles at their site near Selborne since 1872. However, the company went into administration on 6 November 2009.
Selborne Bricks are made using traditional methods from locally quarried gault clay. Each brick is handled at least 5 times during its manufacture, which allows minor variations in shape and size that, in turn, means that each brick is slightly different. This non-uniformity makes a wall made from Selborne bricks far softer on the eye than one made from mass produced, homogenous bricks.

Its a great little explore if you’ve never been before, the land owner always nearly turns up and gets really angry. Make sure you park your car well away from the site otherwise someone will also be waiting by your car. All the locals are friendly/talk so they know what your up to. But we’ve also heard than some people will give you the histroy on the place. Guess we were there on thw wrong day. This place has been done alot since it closed, there are may pictures on the net. This time i’ve tried a different approach with editing the pictures.


Selborne Brickworks & Tile Company, Hampshire

Selborne Brickworks & Tile Company, Hampshire

Selborne Brickworks & Tile Company, Hampshire


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