119 & 120-122 High Street, there where 3 buildings to this explore all of which were easy to get into.
Unfortunately there was no information about this place online, so if you have any information on this place please feel free to comment and share it with us.
The Explore:
All of the rooms here were filled with unwanted stuff that previous owners had left behind, some rooms even had beds set up from where squatters had previously been here! One room even had a tent in But after hearing movement from inside of it we exited the building… Quickly.
This place was defiantly worth the explore and I will defiantly be visiting it again in the future, due to bad lighting some pictures aren’t the best quality.
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Hmm lol
hey would love to know exact location and way in … perfect for my photography
Hi Zak, have a look on our locations map. Its located in the totton area of southampton
Hiya love all your guys work. You have a pic of the red lion pub in the above pics which is located in Southanpton high street but not in Totton as stated above, and i think the building you are in used to be Habitat the futniture store at one point before it moved to west quay when that opened,then it was the job center for a while if im remembering correctly 🙂 It was always a multi purpose building so not sure what else it was used for.
Thanks for the explore ✌👍