Eastleigh Police Station

We waited some time for Hampshire Constabulary to close another station, this one had been on the list for some time but finally it closed. Meaning we could get to do another local police station.

Sadly they had started stripping it. So upstairs was pretty empty. It was a shame but we were in and we had been waiting for this one. This must have been the hottest and most lit up explore I had done with the heating blasting away and the lights on.

Originally built in 1924 and closed in March 2019, this police station has been a bastion of the war against crime for nearly a Century. Covering a very large area including Eastleigh, Chandlers Ford, Romsey and the surrounding villages. As more rural stations closed one after the other, finally the area became too big and a larger modern station was built locally.

Having grown up in the area I have managed to stay here at her Majesty’s expense on more than one occasion, so it was nice to have a more relaxed visit. I bet some of you reading will recognise these cells some of us called home on a Friday night.

About Mr T 2 Articles
Time to go exploring.
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3 Comments on Eastleigh Police Station

  1. you missed the best bit there is an original toilet sink and urinal it was boarded up about 15 years ago by Mountjoy from iow they were put in when the station was built and protected by a preservation order cannot be moved or touched.
    if you want some where new just at the other end of toynbee road is the old coombes sawmill / jewson builders merchant.

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